Sealand Birk

Sealand Birk is an organic, GMO-free, energy drink tapped directly from the Birch Tree. It is available internationally and has recently become available in the United States.



As a company with limited distribution and presence in the United States, Mindswing was hired to launch Sealand Birk’s social media program. The goal of this project was to help establish their presence as the company infrastructure was established.


We worked closely with the marketing, events, and operations team to develop a campaign strategy that would be engaging and breathe life into the brand and encourage conversation, especially as the brand began to establish its place within the energy and alternative beverage market.


Social Media
Content Development
Content Curation



Chris Giles Images
Barefoot E Biz


We wanted to give the brand a personality and integrate the product directly into the lifestyle and play of Sealand’s core audience and customers.  We wanted to make it about people and how they live, play, and interact with each other.



Working with Chris Giles Images, we conducted 3 lifestyle photo shoots to capture the essence of the Sealand Birk brand and its customers. Photos provided the foundation for the #BetterwithBirk fan engagement campaign.


Social Media Campaign

Using the lifestyle photos as the foundation, we launched a social media engagement campaign that asked fans and followers to share photos of how play is #BetterwithBirk. The campaign was part of an overall social media launch in the United States.